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PRE-EMBLEM: We the teachers of Ghana, having witnessed daily, the scourge of the malaria epidemic in our classrooms; seeing our students stay home sick for many days from the malaria; seeing our children die everyday from this disease; seeing our students lethargic and unable to learn because they are too sick from the malaria; do resolve to form this organization, Teachers Against Malaria Epidemic (TAME) to band together to work in partnership with others to tame and wipe out malaria from our communities and our country.


  • Serve as an advocacy group, to obtain malaria fighting drugs and medications, insecticides, supplies, equipment, treated mosquito nets to distribute in our communities;
  • Ensure that every child and family that needs a bed net gets one to use by going to the homes of our school children to install the nets and to make sure they are used properly;
  • Educate our children and their families about malaria, how to prevent and treat it;
  • Ensure mosquito free environment by organizing our students and school communities to engage in periodic environmental clean ups to eliminate the breeding grounds of the malaria carry mosquitoes.


  • Fulfill the Millennium Development Goal # 4: To Reduce Infant mortality;
  • Fulfill the Millennium Development Goal #6: To Combat Malaria and other diseases;
  • Increase the capacity of our school children to fight the malaria epidemic;
  • Wipe out malaria from our communities and create a malaria free society.

The objectives of TAME shall be as follows:

  • To mobilize and empower the teachers, in every city, town and village schools, through education, conferences and seminars, to be active participants in the fight against the malaria epidemic.
  • To secure steady supply of anti- malaria supplies for distribution in the communities to combat the epidemic;
  • Seek immediate medical treatment and medicines for students and children who may fall ill to the malaria.
  • Seek to mobilize entire communities and villages to engage in regular, effective environmental clean ups to eliminate the breeding grounds of the malaria carrying mosquitoes.
  • To closely monitor the health of the school children and provide immediate help.
  • Build a nationwide database to track the incidence of malaria illnesses and the general health of our students
  • Seek to build and operate a small school clinic in every school to provide preventive healthcare for the students, their parents and the community
  • Seek to train a TAME member in every school to recognize symptoms of malaria and other common diseases and to provide basic first aid.
  • Each trained TAME First Aid giver will be paired with a local volunteer nurse/doctor who will be consulted by phone and other devices on a given case for advice.
  • To secure funding and equipment – to carry out our activities.
  • Funding:
  • Every teacher in the Ghana school system will be encouraged to freely join the TAME.
  • There will be a small registration fee.
  • Every member will be asked to pay a miscue membership fee as a commitment to the cause .
  • The organization will seek the bulk of its funding and supplies from any and all legitimate sources worldwide:
  • We shall write to our National, Regional and Local Governments;
  • We shall write and seek support from National and Local businesses
  • We shall write and seek support from individuals, groups, and associations in our communities;
  • We shall write and seek support from Foreign Governments and International Institutions such as the UN
  • We shall write for and seek support from Teachers’ Unions and organizations throughout the world
  • We shall write for and seek support from other International NGOs from all over the world;
  • We shall write for and seek support from Academic Institutions and Civic groups and Associations from all over the world.
  • We shall write for and seek support from International businesses and individuals from all over the world.
  • Local TAME chapters will be encouraged to seek their own supplies and resources locally
  • The National TAME Headquarters will engage in National and International campaigns and allocate the resources to the regions
  • You can make contributions to funds and or supplies
  • You can donate well conditioned 4 wheel drive vehicles to carry supplies to the villages
  • You can order quantities of bed nets and anti-malaria products and ship them directly to the
  • TAME Headquarters in Accra, Ghana for distribution.
  • You can volunteer to go and work with a TAME team in any region of Ghana
  • You can sponsor a TAME member for training in First Aid administration.

Make your tax deductible contribution to:
Adakum Educational Foundation (TAME)
525 West 141st Street
Ground Fl,
New York, NY 10031

Adakum Educational Foundation/TAME
P. O. Box ML605
Mallam, Accra
Accra, Ghana
Mr. Donkor

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