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The Adakum Educational Foundation held its 2nd annual gala affair in New York City on October 17th 2008, and it was very well attended. 3 individuals were honored for their support and contribution to the Foundation, the L&A Academy, and Ghana.

Honoree: Melissa Zorkin of Washington State USA


Honoree: Dr Bruce Charash of Doctodock Organization, New York , USA



HonoreeKelli Moles of JPMorgan Chase, New York, USA



 A team of students and teachers from the Overlake High School, in Redmond Washington USA, presenting gifts of electronic and laboratory items, study materials, sports items to the L& A Memorial Academy, Ghana – April 2008



Overlake High  School contingent, USA, with a section of the L & A students - Ghana.



Dr. Bruce Charash, founder of a US – based “DoctoDock” interacting with pupils and some teachers of L&A Memorial School during a visit to Ghana. May 2008.





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